I was an Operations Content Development Intern from May to December of 2023.

Contact for my reel.

NameDrop Spec Ad

Over the course of the last 3 months of my internship, I developed a 30-second spec ad on the new iOS17 feature, NameDrop.

NameDrop allows you to instantaneously exchange contact information with another person by placing your phone near theirs.

Directed, produced, DP’d, and edited by Katelyn Lexant

Director’s Treatment

iContest Home View Spec Ad

iContest is a company-wide intern innovation competition for groups up to four interns. My team and I were in the Top 10 finalists for our feature, Home View.

I directed, produced, DP’d, and edited a 30-second spot to advertise the feature.

Please contact for more information.

Stills of videos I’ve produced throughout my internship at Apple.

Please contact for any further sample work.


"Beyond the Green Door"


"In Progress"